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Prince Charming Syndrome

Updated: Sep 23, 2020


The opposite of the best is the worst, but the real enemy of the best is what’s good. It’s easy to distinguish an angel from a demon, but it’s difficult to differentiate an original Gucci bag from an authentic imitation of it. This problematic discernment of what’s best from what’s good exactly defines my media consumption habits.

Growing up in a Christian home, my parents have raised me to be conscious about the kind of material I expose myself to. Not just that, they have also taught me how to respond to rather unpleasant content in media. I was trained to watch TV shows and movies, read books and novels, and listen to music and songs that would mold me into becoming a better person. I wouldn’t dare read or watch “50 shades of grey.” I’d rather read the bible and watch romantic comedy movies; which is what I really do. So, if I were to evaluate my media consumption habits, I’d give it a smiley face and rate it as good.

However, this goodness of habits that I describe is exactly what’s keeping me from having the best of habits. My great fondness of romantic comedies and fairy tales has given me misled, unrealistic and wrong expectations of my future husband. Like any other woman with “Prince Charming Syndrome,” I set my standards too high as I look for Mr. Right; making my definition of Mr. Right as Mr. Perfect. Whenever a guy comes along, I weigh his strengths and weaknesses, tease him and test him to his limits, and if he makes one mistake, I avoid him, and go on again, looking for “the one.”

It’s not at all bad to look for a decent man to marry, but it’s not the best to keep on looking for the best man when I, myself, am not even the best person I can be yet. I’ve learned this a long time ago, but I’m struggling to re-learn it again and again. Often times, I get too caught up with drawing fantasies about my prince charming that it distracts me from growing in my relationship with God and waiting on His will for my life. I have to constantly remind myself that the best romantic love story consists of four things: (1) the right person, (2) the right way, (3) the right time, and (4) the right guide who is our God. With even just one element missing, it won’t and it cannot be the best romantic love story.

Jeremiah 29: 11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I don’t need to look for “the one” because I’m sure he will come. My prince charming may not be perfect, but I’m sure he’ll be God’s perfect match for me. God will give him to me at the right time. It would be a waste to look for someone who’s not lost. However, it would be a gain to pursue someone who has always been there. I know, I believe, and I am sure that if I seek God first and wait expectantly for his perfect plan for me, my prince charming will come. Before choosing God’s best, I first choose to be God’s best – this is what’s best.

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