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It’s All About Relationships

Updated: Sep 23, 2020


For me, it’s all about relationships.

The deliberation period is over. The doubts have been set aside for good.  For with absolute certainty, I can truly say that what genuinely defines an individual is his or her desire and ability to connect with other people. For some, this ability is an inborn talent while for others it’s an acquired skill.  In any case, this is something that all of us must have because every single day entails an opportunity to build bonds with others.

Without having a close connection with family and friends, how can one’s talent be discovered and developed? More to the point, how can any skill, be acquired if no one is willing to spare some time and patiently train you? It’s all about relationships.

What has defined me and what has been defining me is the fact that I have working relationships with other people. This is the key ingredient that has made me who I am today. Likewise, this is the key ingredient that will continue to mold me to become the best person I can possibly be.

Relationships build self-worth. My loving father, caring mother and five supportive siblings have proven this time and again. From simple hugs to profound words of wisdom, they have been there to show that I really matter. When I got bullied in school, they all stepped up to protect me. Whenever I got sick, they stood close by to tend to my every need. Whenever I fall down, they pick me up and say that everything will be alright.

Relationships bring out the best in you. Thanks to the close ties that I have had with my teachers and school friends, I was able to discover my passion for journalism and hone the skills needed to become an effective and ethical writer and speaker. My skills would not have improved if they were not there to teach, criticize and encourage. It is because of them that I became one of the selected few, who were invited to study under the Special Program for journalism (SPJ) curriculum and won regional and national awards in editorial writing, research, essay writing, smart talking and radio broadcasting. They are the reason why I graduated grade school as class valedictorian and high school as class salutatorian. They are the reason why I passed all the entrance tests, including the ‘Big Four’ universities. They are the reason behind my full scholarship and current standing in the President’s list of UA&P. Yes, I deserve some credit for achieving, but in all honesty, they deserve more.

Relationships build character. This is the main reason why I keep on saying that on the topic of what defines an individual, it’s all about relationships. Our daily dealings with other people, blood relative or not, constantly shape our attitude, personality and outlook in life. Our character is what will determine how we’ll finish life’s race. It’s not talent or skill that will drive us to where we want to be, it’s the character that each and every one of us has the right to develop on our own. I am so blessed having all these relationships for it is because of these genuine human connections that I have the right character to succeed and to settle for nothing less than excellent.

Above all, I am most grateful that I have a thriving relationship with my personal Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. His character is the one that I try to emulate and having a personal relationship with Him makes it easier. It is for His glory that I exist. It is He who gave me purpose. At the end of each day, when all things are said and done, I want to be defined as His good and faithful servant. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

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